Thursday, January 1, 2009

Questions unanswered!

This particular poem is quite special. Its compiled by 3 people. Hope you'll like it. :)

Why is that innocent souls are dying..
People all around are in pain and crying..
Why is that evil has won over good..
Murdering all the emotions they could..

Why is the world in such a dilemma..
Where love is such an enigma..
Suffering is a chain..
O God all your children are in pain..

Why is that nobody cares..
People are bothered only about their heirs..
Why is that there's no Krishn there's no Ram..
Our leaders are all under corruption scam..

What makes people here so mean..
No love, no kindness in anyone to be seen..
Hope is all we are left with now..
Wounds of misery being healed somehow!

- Shraddha Gupta, Tushaar Singh and Meghna Singh.


Anonymous said...

Lolz... 3 writers !!!

Meghna Singh said...

I know! :D

shed said...

lol...let d caption be...humanely inhuman..!

hmm...or...Questions unanswered

Unknown said...

nice poem.....had heard 3 brains can do wonders...can see why the people who said it were killed..:D :P<< invisible

its a beautiful awakening..keep it up..:)

Meghna Singh said...

Cynical.. Nick? :\

hmm said...

boo boo...8-|

Proud Cleffer ~Amrita! said...

:| .... em I lyk allowed to Gawk at yew 3.....fuh sumtym... o.O

awk..den stand togeda.... :P